Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Why No One Wants To Talk Politics...But We Should Anyway

If you even dabble in politics, I'm sure you've had a chance to interact with someone with a different point of view. It usually goes something like this:

-"Talking point!"
-"Buzzwords and such!"
-"Well you're just a stupid *insert political party here*. What would you know?"

Sigh. It's difficult to get involved in political debate when all you're doing is name calling and reciting talking points you've heard on the news. Not to mention the fact that most people can't figure out who is lying and who is telling the truth (pro-tip: they're all lying.) This is probably the biggest reason that people hate politics. With most political discussions, there is no room for actually talking about differing views points or why I believe one thing and you believe another. There is no room for facts. It's all about spewing your opinion onto the other person then calling them names if they don't agree.

Unfortunately, this is exactly why people should get into politics. It's important to be able to understand all the ins and outs (no pun intended President Clinton.) Get all the facts in order, but do NOT use the media to do so. All media is biased one way or another, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's important to read articles from varying opinions and make up your mind one way or another. One thing we should all learn, and teach our children, is not what to think...but HOW to think. That is the first step.

The second step is getting involved. I'm not talking about starting a political action committee or standing on the street getting people to sign petitions (not that there's anything wrong with that.) But the first, and best thing people can do to make a difference is VOTE. Is your representative in Congress not listening to you? Fire him. Now, it's important to make a clarification here. Our congressmen in the House of Representatives are there to listen to the voice of their constituents and vote accordingly. That's not what the Senate is for. Senators are supposed to vote based on the Constitution and whats best for the country as a whole. However, no matter what their position in Washington, if you don't like the job they're doing, remind them that they work for you. Write letters and emails. Call their offices. If you don't like what they have to say, use your vote and fire them. Many people try to call out the Electoral College as an obsolete voting system and blame that for not voting. No excuse. Vote anyway. And just to let you know, Senators and Congressmen are voted in by popular vote, not the electoral college.

Look, it sucks. There are days when we would all just rather not think about how the country is being run by people who might sell their vote to the highest bidder. Or vote to ban something then turn around sell the same damn thing on the black market (I'm looking at you Leland Yee.) Or maybe how all these people who are supposed to be working for us have no clue what the real world is like.

The system may not be all we want it to be, but that is all the more reason to work to make it better. We might not have everything just right, but I dare you to find a place anywhere else in this world you would rather live.

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